NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)

Early Childhood Care And Education(376)

Please, follow the links below for details:

Syllabus Bifurcation of ECCE (376)PDF FileOpens in a new windowNewgood

Material in PDF  Media TMA Learner's Guide  Worksheet 
English हिंदी  Video Audio TMA English Hindi Hindi English

Pre- Page PDF FileOpens in a new window

Book-1 PDF FileOpens in a new window

- - Tutor Marks Assignment - - - -
Curriculum PDF FileOpens in a new window - - - - - - -
First Page - - - - - - -
Early Childhood Care and Education: Meaning and Significance PDF FileOpens in a new window
L - 1, Part - 03 - - LG-1 - - WS-1
Early Childhood in India PDF FileOpens in a new window

1. Childhood in India : Basic Concept

2. Profile of Early Childhood)

3. Social Contexts and How Children Grow

- - LG-2 - - -
Needs and Rights of Children PDF FileOpens in a new window
- Aud-3 - LG-3 - - WS-3
ECCE Policies, Schemes and Programmes in India PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-4 - - WS-4
Issues and Directions in ECCE PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-5 - - WS-5
Growth and development PDF FileOpens in a new window
1. L - 6,Part - 01)
2. L - 6,Part - 02
3.L - 6, Part - 03)
- - LG-6 - - WS-6
Domains of Development PDF FileOpens in a new window
1. L-7 Part 1 
2. L-7 Part 2 
3. L-7 Part 3 
- - LG-7 - - WS-7
Stages of Child Development: Prenatal and Birth to Three Years PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-8 - - WS-8
Stages of Child Development: Three to Six Years and Six to Eight Years PDF FileOpens in a new window
1. L- 9,Part-01
2. L- 9,Part-02
3. L- 9,Part-04
- - LG-9 - - WS-9
Pre-Page Book2 PDF FileOpens in a new window

Pre-Page Book2 PDF FileOpens in a new window

Book-2 PDF FileOpens in a new window


- - - - - - -
Care of Children in Early Years PDF FileOpens in a new window
1. L-10 (P-1)
2. L-10 (P-2)
- - LG-10 - - WS-10
Play and Early Learning PDF FileOpens in a new window
Lesson-11,Part-04 (Creating Appropriate Environments) - - LG-11 - - WS-11
Planning Developmentally Appropriate ECCE Curriculum PDF FileOpens in a new window
1. L--12- Part-01
2. (L- 12,Part 1)
3. L-12 Part 03 
4. L- 12,Part 4)
- - LG-12 - - WS-12
How Children Learn PDF FileOpens in a new window

1. Early Teaching and Learning- Lesson 13

2. Language Development through Creative Methods Part-1- Lesson 13

3. Language Development through Creative Methods Part-2- Lesson 13

- - LG-13 - - WS-13
Methods of Child Study PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-14 - - WS-14
Profile of an ECCE Centre PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-15 - - WS-15
Administration and Managementof ECCE Centre PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-16 - - WS-16
Qualities and Role of an ECCE Teacher PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-17 - - WS-17
Involvement of Parents and Community PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-18 - - WS-18
Smooth Transitions PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-19 - - WS-19
Understanding Diversity PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-20 - - WS-20
Inclusion: Concept and Practices PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-21 - - WS-21
Early Identification and Intervention     PDF FileOpens in a new window
- - - LG-22 - - WS-22
Sample Question Paper, Marking Scheme & Question Paper Design - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
Practical Manual PDF FileOpens in a new window Prcatical ManualPDF FileOpens in a new window - - - - - - -