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Psychology (222) 

Syllabus Bifurcation of Psychology (222)PDF FileOpens in a new windowNewgood

Course Material is available in 3 Formats Please, follow the links below for details:

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Curriculum (177 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window पाठ्यचर्या (2.75 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - - Tutor Mark Assignment - - General Instructions for Worksheet PDF File 
First Page First Page - - - - - - - -
Module 1: Foundations of Psychology मॉड्यूल 1: मनोविज्ञान के आधार - - - - - - - -
1. An Introduction to Psychology (1.44 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 1. मनोविज्ञान से परिचय (2.60 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-1 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGYYouTube File L-1 - LG-1 - WS-1 WS-1
2. Methods of Psychology (1.45 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 2. मनोविज्ञान की पदतियाँ (2.61 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-2 METHODS OF PSYCHOLOGYYouTube File L-2 - LG-2 - WS-2 WS 2
3. Individual Differences (1.41 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 3. वयक्तिक भिन्नताएँ (2.64 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-3 INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCESYouTube File L-3 (Part-2) - LG-3 - WS-3 WS 3
Module 2: Basic Psychological Processess मॉड्यूल 2: मनोविज्ञान की मूलभूत प्रक्रियाएँ - - - - - - - -
4. Learning (1.37 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 4. सीखना (अधिगम) (2.66 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-4 LEARNINGYouTube File L-4 - LG-4 - WS-4 WS 4
5. Sensory Processes: Attention and Perception (1.31 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 5. संवादी प्रक्रियाएँ : अवधान और प्रत्यक्षीकरण (2.67 MB) PDF FileOpens in a new window L-5

Psychilogy Sensory ProcessesYouTube File





- LG-5 - WS-5 WS 5
6. Memory (1.16 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 6. स्मृति (2.68 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-6 MEMORYYouTube File - - LG-6 - WS-6 WS 6
7. Thinking and Problem Solving (1.11 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 7. चिंतन और समस्या समाधान (2.70 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-7 Thinking and Problem SolvingYouTube File - - LG-7 - WS-7 WS-7
8. Motivation and Emotion (1.05 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 8. अभिप्रेरना (2.71 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-8 Lesson 8 : Motivation and EmotionYouTube File - - LG-8 - WS-8 WS-8
Module 3: Human Development मॉड्यूल 3: मानव विकास - - - - - - - -
9. Nature and Determinants of Development (1.02 MB) PDF FileOpens in a new window 9. विकास की प्रकृति और इसके निर्धारक (2.72 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-9 NATURE AND DETERMINANTS VideoYouTube File - - LG-9 - WS-9 WS-9
10. Childhood (942 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window 10. बाल्यकाल (2.73 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-10 L 10 childhood VideoYouTube File - - LG-10 - WS-10 WS 10
11. Adolescence and Its Challenges (415 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window 11. किशोरोवस्था और इसकी चुनोतियाँ (2.73 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-11 Lesson 11 Adolescence And Its Challenges VideoYouTube File - - LG-11 - WS-11 WS-11
12. Adulthood and Ageing (221 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window 12. प्रोढ़ता और बढ़ती आयु (2.74 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-12 Lesson 12 Adulthood and Aging VideoYouTube File - - LG-12 - WS-12 WS-12
Module 4: Social Psychological Processes मॉड्यूल 4: सामाजिक मनोविज्ञानिक प्रक्रियाएँ - - - - - - - -
13. Group and Leadership (1.50 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 13. समूह और नेतृत्व (1.88 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-13 L 13 Group and leadershipYouTube File - - LG-13 - WS-13 WS-13
14. Communication (1.51 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 14. संचार (1.89 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-14 L 14 CommunicationYouTube File - - LG-14 - WS-14 WS-14
15. Attitudes, Beliefs and Social Cognition (1.45 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 15. अभिवृति, विश्वास और सामाजिक संज्ञान (1.91 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-15 AttitudeYouTube File - - LG-15 - WS-15 WS-15
16. Social and Educational Problem (1.38 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 16. सामाजिक और शेक्षिक समस्याएँ (1.92 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-16 - - - LG-16 - WS-16 WS-16
Module 5: Health and Well Being मॉड्यूल 5: स्वास्थ्य और सुख - - - - - - - -
17. Happiness and Well-being (1.33 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 17. प्रसनता और सुख (1.93 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-17 - - - LG-17 - WS-17 WS-17
18. Mental Disorders and Their Treatment (1.18 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 18. मनोविकार और उनका उपचार (1.93 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-18 - - - LG-18 - WS-18 WS-18
19. Mental Health and Hygiene (1.10 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 19. मानसिक स्वस्थ्य और स्वच्छता (1.94 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-19 - - - - - WS-19 WS-19
Module 6: Work Life and Environmental Concerns मॉड्यूल 6: कार्य-जीवन और पारिवेशिक चिन्ताएँ - - - - - - - -
20. Aptitude, Interest and Job Requirements (1.05 MB) PDF FileOpens in a new window 20. अभिवृति, रुचि और कार्य अपेक्षाएँ (1.95 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-20 - - - LG-20 - WS-20 WS-20
21. Preparation for the Vocational Role (1.01 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 21. व्यावसायिक भूमिका के लिए तैयारी (1.96 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-21 - - - LG-21 - WS-21 WS-21
22. The World of Organizations (0.98 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 22. संगठन का जगत (1.97 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-22 - - - LG-22 - WS-22 WS-22
23. Environmental Stress (521 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window 23. परिवेशीय तनाव (1.97 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-23 - - - LG-23 - WS-23 WS-23
Module 7: Yoga: A Way of Life मॉड्यूल 7: योग : जीवन का एक ढंग - - - - - - - -
24. Healthy Mind in Healthy Body (469 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window 24. स्वस्थ शरीर में स्वस्थ मन (1.98 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-24 - - - LG-24 - WS-24 WS-24
25. Sel-Development and Yoga (421 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window 25. आत्म-विकास और योग (1.99 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-25 - - - LG-25 - WS-25 WS-25
26. Nurturing the Whole being: An Indian Perspective (360 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window 26. सम्पूर्ण अस्तित्व का पोषण : भारतीय दृष्टिकोण (2.00 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-26 - - - LG-26 - WS-26 WS-26
27. Controlling and Disciplining the Mind (257 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window 27. मन का नियंत्रण और अनुशासन (2.02 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-27 - - - LG-27 - WS-27 WS-27
Sample Question Paper, Marking Scheme & Question Paper Design - - - - - - - - -