Material in
Media |
Online |
Guide |
English |
Hindi |
Video |
Audio |
Practicals |
English |
Hindi |
Hindi |
English |
Book 1
(Eng. Medium) (5.05 MB)  |
Book 1
(Hindi Medium) (15.98 MB)  |
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General Instructions for
Worksheet |
Lesson 27
(Eng. Medium) (17.05 MB)  |
Book 2
(Hindi Medium) (6.54 MB)  |
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Book 2
(Eng. Medium) (5.69 MB)  |
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Manual (Eng. Medium) (2.69 MB)  |
Manual (Hindi Medium) (1.69 MB)  |
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First Page |
First Page |
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1. Atoms, Molecules and Chemical
1. परमाणु, अणु और रासायनिक अंकगणित |
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LG-1 |
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WS 1 |
WS-1 |
2. Atomic Structure |
2. परमाण्विक संरचना |
Part-3 |
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LG-2 |
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WS 2 |
WS-2 |
3. Periodic Table and Periodicity in
3. आवर्त सारणी और परमाणु गुणधर्म |
Part-2 |
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LG-3 |
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WS 3 |
WS-3 |
4. Chemical Bonding |
4. रासायनिक आबंधन |
Part -2
L-4 |
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LG-4 |
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WS-4 |
WS-4 |
5. The Gaseous State and Liquid State |
5. गैसीय और द्रव्य की अवस्थाएँ |
Part - 1
Part - 2
Part - 3
Part -4
Part -5
Part-6 |
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LG-5 |
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WS-5 |
WS-5 |
6. The Solid State |
6. ठोस अवस्था |
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LG-6 |
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WS-6 |
WS-6 |
7. Solutions |
7. विलयन |
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LG-7 |
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WS 7 |
WS-7 |
8. Colloids |
8. कोलॉइड |
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LG-8 |
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WS 8 |
WS-8 |
9. Chemical Thermodynamics |
9. रासायनिक ऊष्मागतिकी |
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LG-9 |
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WS 9 |
WS-9 |
10. Spontaneity of Chemical Reactions |
10. रासायनिक अभिक्रियाओं की
स्वतःप्रवृत्ति |
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LG-10 |
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WS 10 |
WS-10 |
11. Chemical Equilibrium |
11. रासायनिक साम्य |
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LG-11 |
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WS-11 |
WS-11 |
12. Ionic Equilibrium |
12.आयनिक साम्य |
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L-12 |
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LG-12 |
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WS-12 |
WS-12 |
13. Electrochemistry |
13. विद्युत-रसायन |
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L-13 |
1. Determination of EMF of a Cell
2. Determination of concentration of KMnO₄
LG-13 |
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WS-13 |
WS-13 |
14. Chemical Kinetics |
14. रासायनिक बलगतिकी |
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1. Kinetics Study on the Reaction between Iodide Ions
and Hydrogen Peroxide.
2. Kinetics Study on the Reaction between Potassium
iodate and Sodium Sulphite.
3. Kinetics Study on the Reaction between Sodium
Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid
LG-14 |
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WS-14 |
WS-14 |
15. Adsorption and Catalysis |
15. अधिशोषण और उत्प्रेरण |
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LG-15 |
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WS-15 |
WS-15 |
16. Occurrence and Extraction of Metals |
16. धातुओं की प्राप्ति और उनका निष्कर्षण |
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LG-16 |
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WS-16 |
WS-16 |
17. Hydrogen and s-Block Elements |
17. हाइड्रोजन और s-ब्लॉक के तत्व |
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LG-17 |
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WS-17 |
WS-17 |
18. General Characteristics of the p-block
Elements |
18. p-ब्लॉक के तत्वों के साधारण अभिलक्षण |
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L-18 |
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LG-18 |
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WS-18 |
WS-18 |
19. p-block Elements and their Compounds -
I |
19. p-ब्लॉक के तत्व और उनके यौगिक-I |
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LG-19 |
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WS-19 |
WS-19 |
20. p-block Elements and their Compounds -
II |
20. p-ब्लॉक के तत्व और उनके यौगिक-II |
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LG-20 |
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WS-20 |
WS-20 |
21. d-Block and f-Block Elements |
21. d-ब्लॉक तथा f-ब्लॉक के तत्व |
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L-21 |
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LG-21 |
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WS-21 |
WS-21 |
22. Coordination Compounds |
22. उपसहसंयोजक यौगिक |
L-22 |
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1. Preparation of Inorganic Compounds |
LG-22 |
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WS-22 |
WS-22 |
23. Nomenclature and General Principles |
23. नामपद्धति और सामान्य सिद्धांत |
L-23 (1)
L-23 (2)
L-23 (3)
L-23 |
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LG-23 |
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WS-23 |
WS-23 |
24. Hydrocarbons |
24. हाइड्रोकार्बन |
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1. Preparation of Organic Compounds |
LG-24 |
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WS-24 |
WS-24 |
25. Compounds of Carbon Containing Halogens
(Haloalkanes and Haloarenes) |
25. हैलाजन युक्त कार्बन के
यौगिक (हैलोऐल्केन एवं हैलोऐरीन) |
L-25 |
L-25 |
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LG-25 |
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WS-25 |
WS-25 |
26. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers |
26. ऐल्कोहॉल, फीनॉल एवं ईथर |
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LG-26 |
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WS-26 |
WS-26 |
27. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic
Acids |
27. ऐल्डिहाइड, कीटोन और कार्बोक्सिलिक
अम्ल |
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LG-27 |
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WS-27 |
WS-27 |
28. Compounds of Carbon Containing
Nitrogen |
28. कार्बन के नाइट्रोजन युक्त यौगिक |
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LG-28 |
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WS-28 |
WS-28 |
29. Biomolecules |
29. जैव अणु |
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1. Qualitative Analysis of Oils and Fats
2. Qualitative Analysis of Proteins
3. Paper Chromatography
4. Qualitative Analysis of Carbohydrates
LG-29 |
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WS-29 |
WS-29 |
30. Drugs and Medicines |
30. भेषज(ड्रग) और औषधि |
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LG-30 |
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WS-30 |
WS-30 |
31. Soaps, Detergents and Polymers |
31. साबुन, अपमार्जक और बहुलक |
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LG-31 |
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WS-31 |
WS-31 |
32. Environmental Chemistry |
32. पर्यावरण रसायन विज्ञान |
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LG-32 |
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WS-32 |
WS-32 |
Sample Question Paper, Marking Scheme &
Question Paper Design |
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