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 Chemistry (313)

Syllabus Bifurcation of Chemistry (313)PDF File Opens in a new windowNewgood

Material in PDF  Media Online  Learner's Guide  Worksheet 
English Hindi Video Audio Practicals  English Hindi Hindi English
Book 1 (Eng. Medium) (5.05 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window Book 1 (Hindi Medium) (15.98 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - - - General Instructions for Worksheet PDF File 
Lesson 27 (Eng. Medium) (17.05 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window Book 2 (Hindi Medium) (6.54 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - - - - - -
Book 2 (Eng. Medium) (5.69 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - - - - - - -
Lab Manual (Eng. Medium) (2.69 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window Lab Manual (Hindi Medium) (1.69 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - - - - - -
First Page First Page - - - - - - -
1. Atoms, Molecules and Chemical ArithmeticPDF File Opens in a new window  1. परमाणु, अणु और रासायनिक अंकगणित PDF File Opens in a new window  -


- LG-1 - WS 1 WS-1
2. Atomic StructurePDF File Opens in a new window  2. परमाण्विक संरचनाPDF File Opens in a new window  Part-1
- - LG-2 - WS 2 WS-2
3. Periodic Table and Periodicity in PropertiesPDF File Opens in a new window  3. आवर्त सारणी और परमाणु गुणधर्मPDF File Opens in a new window  Part-1
- - LG-3 - WS 3 WS-3
4. Chemical BondingPDF File Opens in a new window  4. रासायनिक आबंधन PDF File Opens in a new window   Part-1
Part -2


L-4 - LG-4 - WS-4 WS-4
5. The Gaseous State and Liquid StatePDF File Opens in a new window  5. गैसीय और द्रव्‍य की अवस्थाएँ PDF File Opens in a new window  Part - 1
Part - 2
Part - 3
Part -4
Part -5
- - LG-5 - WS-5 WS-5
6. The Solid StatePDF File Opens in a new window  6. ठोस अवस्थाPDF File Opens in a new window 




- - LG-6 - WS-6 WS-6
7. SolutionsPDF File Opens in a new window  7. विलयनPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-7 - WS 7 WS-7
8. ColloidsPDF File Opens in a new window  8. कोलॉइडPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-8 - WS 8 WS-8
9. Chemical ThermodynamicsPDF File Opens in a new window  9. रासायनिक ऊष्मागतिकीPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-9 - WS 9 WS-9
10. Spontaneity of Chemical ReactionsPDF File Opens in a new window  10. रासायनिक अभिक्रियाओं की स्वतःप्रवृत्ति  PDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-10 - WS 10 WS-10
11. Chemical EquilibriumPDF File Opens in a new window  11. रासायनिक साम्‍यPDF File Opens in a new window 



- - LG-11 - WS-11 WS-11
12. Ionic EquilibriumPDF File Opens in a new window  12.आयनिक साम्‍यPDF File Opens in a new window  - L-12 - LG-12 - WS-12 WS-12
13. ElectrochemistryPDF File Opens in a new window  13. विद्युत-रसायनPDF File Opens in a new window  - L-13

1. Determination of EMF of a Cell

2. Determination of concentration of KMnO₄ solution

LG-13 - WS-13 WS-13
14. Chemical KineticsPDF File Opens in a new window  14. रासायनिक बलगतिकीPDF File Opens in a new window  - -

1. Kinetics Study on the Reaction between Iodide Ions and Hydrogen Peroxide.

2. Kinetics Study on the Reaction between Potassium iodate and Sodium Sulphite.

3. Kinetics Study on the Reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid

LG-14 - WS-14 WS-14
15. Adsorption and CatalysisPDF File Opens in a new window  15. अधिशोषण और उत्‍प्रेरणPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-15 - WS-15 WS-15
16. Occurrence and Extraction of MetalsPDF File Opens in a new window  16. धातुओं की प्राप्ति और उनका निष्‍कर्षणPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-16 - WS-16 WS-16
17. Hydrogen and s-Block ElementsPDF File Opens in a new window  17. हाइड्रोजन और s-ब्‍लॉक के तत्‍वPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-17 - WS-17 WS-17
18. General Characteristics of the p-block ElementsPDF File Opens in a new window  18. p-ब्‍लॉक के तत्‍वों के साधारण अभिलक्षणPDF File Opens in a new window  - L-18 - LG-18 - WS-18 WS-18
19. p-block Elements and their Compounds - IPDF File Opens in a new window  19. p-ब्‍लॉक के तत्‍व और उनके यौगिक-IPDF File Opens in a new window  -



- LG-19 - WS-19 WS-19
20. p-block Elements and their Compounds - IIPDF File Opens in a new window  20. p-ब्‍लॉक के तत्‍व और उनके यौगिक-IIPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-20 - WS-20 WS-20
21. d-Block and f-Block ElementsPDF File Opens in a new window  21. d-ब्‍लॉक तथा f-ब्‍लॉक के तत्‍वPDF File Opens in a new window  - L-21 - LG-21 - WS-21 WS-21
22. Coordination CompoundsPDF File Opens in a new window  22. उपसहसंयोजक यौगिकPDF File Opens in a new window  L-22  - 1. Preparation of Inorganic Compounds LG-22 - WS-22 WS-22
23. Nomenclature and General PrinciplesPDF File Opens in a new window  23. नामपद्धति और सामान्‍य सिद्धांतPDF File Opens in a new window  L-23   

L-23 (1)  

L-23 (2)

L-23 (3)

L-23 - LG-23 - WS-23 WS-23
24. HydrocarbonsPDF File Opens in a new window  24. हाइड्रोकार्बनPDF File Opens in a new window  - - 1. Preparation of Organic Compounds LG-24 - WS-24 WS-24
25. Compounds of Carbon Containing Halogens (Haloalkanes and Haloarenes)PDF File Opens in a new window  25. हैलाजन युक्‍त कार्बन के यौगिक (हैलोऐल्‍केन एवं हैलोऐरीन)PDF File Opens in a new window  L-25  L-25 - LG-25 - WS-25 WS-25
26. Alcohols, Phenols and EthersPDF File Opens in a new window  26. ऐल्‍कोहॉल, फीनॉल एवं ईथरPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-26 - WS-26 WS-26
27. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic AcidsPDF File Opens in a new window  27. ऐल्डिहाइड, कीटोन और कार्बोक्सिलिक अम्‍लPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-27 - WS-27 WS-27
28. Compounds of Carbon Containing NitrogenPDF File Opens in a new window  28. कार्बन के नाइट्रोजन युक्‍त यौगिकPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-28 - WS-28 WS-28
29. BiomoleculesPDF File Opens in a new window  29. जैव अणुPDF File Opens in a new window  - -

1. Qualitative Analysis of Oils and Fats

2. Qualitative Analysis of Proteins

3. Paper Chromatography

4. Qualitative Analysis of Carbohydrates

LG-29 - WS-29 WS-29
30. Drugs and MedicinesPDF File Opens in a new window  30. भेषज(ड्रग) और औषधिPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-30 - WS-30 WS-30
31. Soaps, Detergents and PolymersPDF File Opens in a new window  31. साबुन, अपमार्जक और बहुलकPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-31 - WS-31 WS-31
32. Environmental ChemistryPDF File Opens in a new window  32. पर्यावरण रसायन विज्ञानPDF File Opens in a new window  - - - LG-32 - WS-32 WS-32
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