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Science and Technology (212)

Syllabus Bifurcation of S&T (212)PDF FileOpens in a new windowNewgood

Please, follow the links below for details:

Course Material is available in 2 Formats Please, follow the links below for details:

Material in DAISY Format --
Material in PDF  Media Online Learner's Guide  Worksheet 
English Hindi Urdu Video Audio Practicals English Hindi Hindi English
Curriculum (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window विषय सामग्री पर एक विह्ंगम दृष्टि (71 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - - Learner Guide in English Medium (11356 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window General Instructions for Worksheet PDF File 
First Page First Page - - - - - - - -
1. Measurement in Science and Technology (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 1. विज्ञान और प्रोंधोयोगिकी में मापन (525 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-1 YouTube File -

1.  Melting Point of Ice

2.  Boiling Point of Water

-Lesson 1 - कार्यपत्रक -1 WS-01
2. Matter in Our Surroundings (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 2. हमारे आसपास के द्रव्य (5.51 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-2 YouTube File

1. L.2  (part1)

2. L-2 (part2)

1.  Separation of Mixtures Using Different Techniques

2.  Distinguish Between Mixture and Compound

3.  Separation of Components of a Mixture

4.  Distinguishing Between Solutions

-Lesson 2 - कार्यपत्रक -2 WS-2
3. Atom and Molecules (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 3. परमाणु और अणु (858 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-3 YouTube File L-3 1.  The Law of Conservation of Mass in a Chemical Reaction -Lesson 3 - कार्यपत्रक -3 WS-3
4. Chemical Reaction and Equations (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 4. रासायनिक अभिक्रियाऐ और समीकरण (2.01 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-4 YouTube File -

1.  Chemical-Reactions

2.  Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions

-Lesson 4 - कार्यपत्रक -4 WS-4
5. Atomic Structure (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 5. परमाणु संरचना (694 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-5 YouTube File

1. L-5 (part1)

2. L-5 (part2)

1.  Rutherford's Scattering Experiment -Lesson 5 - कार्यपत्रक -5 WS-5
6. Periodic Classification of Elements (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 6. तत्वों का आवर्त वर्गीकरण (761 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-6 YouTube File 1. L-6 1.  Modern Periodic Table -Lesson 6 - कार्यपत्रक -6 WS-6
7. Chemical Bonding (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 7. रासायनिक आबंधन (543 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-7 YouTube File - - -Lesson 7 - कार्यपत्रक -7 WS-7
8. Acids, Bases and Salts (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 8. अम्ल, क्षार और लवण (1.39 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-8 YouTube File L-8

1.  Identification of the Acidic, Basic, Neutral Nature Of Salt

2.  Reaction between an acid and a base to show the process of neutralization

-Lesson 8 - कार्यपत्रक -8 WS-8
9. Motion and its Description (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 9. गति और इसका वर्णन (3.53 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-9 YouTube File

1. L-9 (part1)

2. L-9 (part-2)

- -Lesson 9 - कार्यपत्रक -9 WS-9
10. Force and Motion (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 10. बल और गति (7.58 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-10 YouTube File 1. L-10 - -Lesson 10 - कार्यपत्रक -10 WS-10
11. Gravitation (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 11. गुरुत्त्वाकर्षण (3.71 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-11 YouTube File 1. L-11 - -Lesson 11 - कार्यपत्रक -11 WS-11
12. Sources of Energy (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 12. ऊर्जा के स्रोत (941 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-12 YouTube File

1. L-12 (Part1)

2. L-12 (part12)

- -Lesson 12 - कार्यपत्रक -12 WS-12
13. Work and Energy (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 13. कार्य एवं ऊर्जा (3.45 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-13 YouTube File

1. L-13

2. L-13 (part-2)

- -Lesson 13 - कार्यपत्रक -13 WS-13
14. Thermal Energy (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 14. तापीय ऊर्जा (1.78 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window L-14 YouTube File L-14 - Lesson 14 - कार्यपत्रक -14 WS-14
15. Light Energy (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 15. प्रकाश ऊर्जा (1.68 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File 1. L-15 - -Lesson 15 - कार्यपत्रक -15 WS-15
16. Electrical Energy (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 16. विधुत ऊर्जा (2.20 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File 1. L-16 - -Lesson 16 - कार्यपत्रक -16 WS-16
17. Magnetic Effect of Electric Current (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 17. विद्यूत धारा का चुम्बकीय प्रभाव (2.88 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File 1. L-17 - -Lesson 17 - कार्यपत्रक -17 WS-17
18. Sound and Communication (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 18. ध्वनि और संचार (1.49 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File 1. L-18 - -Lesson 18 - कार्यपत्रक -18 WS-18
18. Sound and Communication (41.1 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 18. ध्वनि और संचार (1.49 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File -L-18 - - - - -
19. Classification of Living Organisms (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 19. जीवों का वर्गीकरण (6.04 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - L-19 - -Lesson 19 - - WS-19
20. History of Life on Earth (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 20. पृथ्वी पर जीवन के विकास का इतिहास (1.18 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File - - -Lesson 20 - - WS-20
21. Building Blocks of Life - Cell and Tissues (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 21. जीवन की मूलभूत इकाइया (कोशिका तथा ऊतक) (2.64 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File 1. L-21 - -Lesson 21 - - WS-21
22. Life Processes - 1 : Nutrition, Transportation, Respiration and Excretion (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 22. जैविक प्रक्रिया -I: पोषण, अभिगमन, श्वसन, उत्सर्जन (10 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File L-22 (part-1) - -Lesson 22 - - WS-22
23. Life Processes - 2 : Control and Coordination (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 23. जैविक प्रक्रिया - II : समन्वय तथा नियंत्रण (3.15 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - L-23 - -Lesson 23 - - WS-23
24. Life Processes - 3 : Reproduction (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 24. जैव प्रक्रिया - III : जनन (4.42 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File L-24 - -Lesson 24 - - WS-24
25. Heredity (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 25. अनुवांशिकी (1.48 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - -



- -Lesson 25 - - -
26. Air and Water (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 26. वायु तथा जल (832 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - - - -Lesson 26 - कार्यपत्रक -26 WS-26
27. Metals and Non-metals (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 27. धातु तथा अधातु (1.72 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - L-27 - 1.  Show that metallic oxides are basic in nature -Lesson 27 - कार्यपत्रक -27 WS-27
28. Carbon and Its Compounds (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 28. कार्बन तथा इसके यौगिक (721 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window -

1. L-28(p-1)

2. L-28(part-2)

- - -Lesson 28 - कार्यपत्रक -28 WS-28
29. Natural Environment (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 29. प्राकृतिक पर्यावरण (5.37 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File L-29 - -Lesson 29 - - -
30. Human Impact on Environment (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 30. पर्यावरण पर मनुष्य का प्रभाव (4.75 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File

1. L-30

2. L-30 (part-2)

- -Lesson 30 - - -
31. Food Production (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 31. खाद्य उत्पादन (876 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - L-31 - -Lesson 31 - - -
32. Health and Hygiene (37.3 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window 32. स्वास्थ्य और स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान (2.84 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - YouTube File 1. L-32 - -Lesson 32 - - -
Lab Manual (10.4 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window प्रयोगशाला पुस्तिका (9.62 MB) PDF File Opens in a new window - - - - - - - -
Sample Question Paper, Marking Scheme & Question Paper Design - - - - - - - - -

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