NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)

Indian Sign Language (230)

 Syllabus Bifurcation of ISL (230)PDF FileOpens in a new windowNewgood

Course Material is available in -- Formats Please, follow the links below for details:

Indian Sign Language (230) Curriculam

Material in DAISY Format

Material in ePUB format

  • Book in ePUB Part 1 (3672 KB) Opens in a new window

Material in PDF  (English)

Video Sign Language Video Audio TMA Learner's Guide Worksheet 

Theory  (First Page)ZIP File

Module 1:   Understanding Indian Sign Language


 Module 1:    Understanding Indian Sign Language

- Tutor Mark Assignment - General Instructions for Worksheet ZIP File Opens in a new window
1. Indian Sign Language as a complete language: concept, characteristics, and common misunderstandings about sign language ZIP File - Lesson -1 - - -
2. The history of ISL: its origin, development, and relationship with other signed and spoken languages ZIP File -


Part-1  Part-2   Part-3


- - -
3.Deaf communities and sign languages in other countries, in comparison to ISL ZIP File - Lesson-3


- - -
Module 2: Sign Language in Society  - Module 2: Sign Language in Society 


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4. The community of Indian Sign Language users, their commonalities and diversity ZIP File -


Part-1  Part-2


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5.  Aspects of deaf culture and linguistic identity ZIP File - Lesson-5


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6. Legislative provisions for ISL in India ZIP File - Lesson-6


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7. Status of use of ISL in deaf education ZIP File - Lesson-7


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Module 3:   Structure and Grammar of ISL - Module 3:   Structure and Grammar of ISL


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8. Manual and non-manual components of ISL ZIP File -


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9. Word-level structures ZIP File - Lesson-9


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10. Sentence types ZIP File - Lesson-10 - - -
11. The meaning of signs ZIP File - Lesson-11


- - -
Module 4:   Creative Expressions in ISL - Module 4:   Creative Expressions in ISL


- - -
12. Stories ZIP File - Lesson-12


13. Poems and songs ZIP File - Lesson-13


14. Jokes and humour ZIP File - Lesson-14


15. Mime and drama ZIP File - Lesson-15


16. Newsreading ZIP File - Lesson-16


17. Sign language in social media ZIP File - Lesson-17



Practicals  (First Page)ZIP File

(Practical Manual)ZIP File

Group-1 :  Language Description



Group-1 :  Language Description


PRACTICAL - 1.1:  Compare linguistics features of signed languages and spoken (written) languages ZIP File -


PRACTICAL - 1.2: React to a set of given statements about sign languages and distinguish facts from myths in these statements ZIP File -


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PRACTICAL - 1.3:   Identify features of Indian Sign Language in comparison with other sign languages. ZIP File -


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PRACTICAL - 1.4:   Identify features of Indian deaf communities in comparison with other deaf communities. ZIP File -


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PRACTICAL - 1.5:   Assign a given set of ISL signs to different time periods to distinguish older signs from more recently evolved signs. ZIP File -


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Group2:  Language context - Group-2 :  Language context


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PRACTICAL - 2.1:   Identify and discuss different sub-groups in the ISL community. ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 2.1


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PRACTICAL - 2.2:   Comparison of ISL across different areas of the country. ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 2.2


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PRACTICAL - 2.3:   RPwD Act 2016 and discuss points related to deaf community and the linguistic rights of ISL users in India ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 2.3


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PRACTICAL - 2.4:   Language skills of sign language interpreters in India ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 2.4 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 2.5:    Cultural aspects of using deaf teachers and Indian Sign Language in education ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 2.5 - - - -
Group-3 :  ISL grammar and usage - Group-3 :  ISL grammar and usage - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.1:   Distiguish between ISL signs and material ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.1 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.2:  Use language resources to search for ISL materials ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.2 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.3:  ISL Grammar and Usage ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.3 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.3.1: Non-manual components of ISL ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.3.1 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.3.2:  Sentence types: Simple statements, questions, negatives ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.3.2 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.3.3:  Describing people and objects (Adjectives and Opposites) ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.3.3 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.3.4:  Pronouns and kinship terms ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.3.4 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.3.5:  Expression of time, numbers and measures ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.3.5 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.3.6: Verbs and uses of the sign space ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.3.6 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 3.3.7: Possession (Having and not having) ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 3.3.7 - - - -
Group-4 :   Creative language production ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 4.0 - - - -
Group-5 :  Language Production/ Interpersonal Communicative Skills - Group-5 :  Language Production/ Interpersonal Communicative Skills - - - -
PRACTICAL - 5.1: Personal diary in ISL about examples of sign language ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 5.1 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 5.2: Meet a CODA (Child of Deaf Adult) or SODA (Sibling of Deaf Adult) and interview them. ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 5.2 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 5.3: How to give a presentation in ISL in Live Programme? ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 5.3 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 5.4: Use ISL in a mock interview situation ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 5.4 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 5.5: Use an online chat application to have a conversation with another ISL user via sign language video ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 5.5 - - - -
PRACTICAL - 5.6: Sign the same story to a child and to an adult. Adjust your signing style to suit the child/adult. ZIP File - PRACTICAL - 5.6 - -
Sample Question Paper, Marking Scheme & Question Paper Design - - - -
Sample Question Paper (Practical) - Paper (Practical)