Click HereOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    Click Hereहिंदी दिवस 2024 के अवसर पर अध्यक्ष महोदया का संदेश    Click HereList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    Click HereFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)

Accountancy (320)

Syllabus Bifurcation of Accountancy (320)PDF File Opens in a new windowNewgood

Material in PDF  Media TMA Learner's Guide  Worksheet 
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Book 1 (Eng. Medium) (5.05 MB) PDF File 
पुस्तक-1PDF File
- - Tutor Marks Assignment - - General Instructions for Worksheet PDF File 
पुस्तक-2PDF File

पुस्तक-3PDF File

- - - - - - -
1. Accounting - An IntroductionPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Part 1 Accounting - An IntroductionYouTube File L-1 - LG-1 - WS 1 WS 1
- - -Lesson 1 Part 2 Accounting TermsYouTube File - - - - - -
2. Accounting ConceptsPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 2 -Lesson 2 Accounting ConceptsYouTube File L.2 - LG-2 - WS 2 WS 2
3. Accounting Conventions and StandardsPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 3 -Lesson 3 Accounting ConventionsYouTube File - - LG-3 - WS 3 WS 3
4. Accounting for Business TransactionsPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 4 -Lesson 4 Accounting for Business Transactions Part 1YouTube File - - LG-4 - WS 4 WS-4
- - -Lesson 4 Accounting for Business Transactions Part 2 Rules of AccountingYouTube File - - - - - -
- - -Lesson 4 Accounting for Business Transactions Part 3 Accounting EquationYouTube File - - - - - -
5. JournalPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 5 -Lesson 5 JournalYouTube File - - LG-5 - WS 5 WS-5
6. LedgerPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 6 - L-6 - LG-6 - WS 6 WS-6
7. Cash BookPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 7 -Lesson 7 Cash Book Part 2YouTube File - - LG-7 - WS-7 WS 7
8. Special Purpose BooksPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 8 -Lesson 8 Special Purpose Books Part 1YouTube File - - LG-8 - WS-8 WS 8
- - -Lesson 8 Special Purpose Books Part 2YouTube File - - - - - -
9. Trial BalancePDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 9 - - - LG-9 - WS-9 WS 9
10. Bank Reconciliation StatementPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 10 - - - LG-10 - WS-10 WS 10
11. Bills of ExchangePDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 11 - - - LG-11 - - WS-11
12. Errors and their RectificationPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 12 -Lesson- 12 Errors and their rectificationYouTube File - - LG-12 - WS-12 WS-12
13. Computer and Computerised Accounting SystemPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 13 -Lesson -13 computer and computerised accounting systemYouTube File

L-13 (part1)

L-13 (part2)

- LG-13 - WS-13 WS-13
14. DepreciationPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 14 -Lesson 14 Depreciation Part 1YouTube File L-14 - LG-14 - - -
- - -Lesson 14 Depreciation Part 2YouTube File - - - - - -
15. Provision and ReservesPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 15 - - - LG-15 - WS-15 WS-15
16. Financial Statements - An IntroductionPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 16 - L-16 - LG-16 - WS-16 WS-16
17. Financial Statements - IPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 17 -Lesson -17 financial statement analysis part 1YouTube File - - LG-17 - WS-17 WS-17
18. Financial Statements IIPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 18 -Lesson 18 Financial Statement Part 2YouTube File - - LG-18 - WS-18 WS-18
19. Not for Profit Organisations - An IntroductionPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 19 - - - LG-19 - WS-19 WS-19
20. Financial Statements (Not for Profit Organisations)PDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 20 - - - LG-20 - WS-20 WS-20
21. Accounts From Incomplete RecordsPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 21 - - - LG-21 - WS-21 WS-21
22. Partnership - An IntroductionPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 22 - L-22 - LG-22 - WS-22 Ws-22
23. Admission of a PartnerPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 23 - L-23 - LG-23 - WS-23 WS-23
24. Retirement and Death of a PartnerPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 24 - - - LG-24 - - -
25. Dissolution of a partnership firmPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 25 - - - LG_25 - - WS-25
26. Company - An IntroductionPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 26 - - - LG-26 - - WS-26
27. Issue of SharesPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 27 - L-27 - LG-27 - - WS-27
28. Forfeiture of SharesPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 28 - - - LG-28 - - WS-28
29. Reissue of Forfeited SharesPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 29 -Lesson - 29 : Reissue of forfeited SharesYouTube File L-29 - LG-29 - - WS-29
30. Issue of DebenturesPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 30 - - - LG-30 - - WS-30
31. Financial Statements Analysis-An IntroductionPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 31 - - - LG-31 - - WS-31
32. Accounting Ratios-IPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 32 - - - LG-32 - - Ws-32
33. Accounting Ratios-IIPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 33 - - - LG-33 - - WS-33
34. Cash Flow StatementPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 34 - - - LG-34 - - WS-34
35. Electronic Spread SheetPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 35 - - - LG-35 - - WS-35
36. Use of Spread-sheet in Business ApplicationPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 36 - - - LG-36 - - WS-36
37. Graphs and Charts for BusinessPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 37 - - - LG-37 - - WS-37
38. Database Management System for AccountingPDF File Opens in a new window Lesson 38 - - - LG-38 - - WS-38
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