NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)

Syllabus in English Medium

(Revised Course Material w.e.f. 2008-09)

Module I: The Art And Science of Managing Home

  1. Home Family and Home Science (127 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  2. Ethics In Daily Life (94 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  3. Family Health and Security (192 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Module II: Food And Nutrition

  1. Food, Nutrition and Health (179 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  2. Meal Planning (176 KB)PDF File Opens in a new window
  3. Nutritional Status (138 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  4. Purchase and Storage of Food (140 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  5. Preparation of Food (142 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  6. Food Preservation (96 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Module III: Resource Management

  1. Family Resources Management (166 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  2. Time and Energy Management (95 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  3. Space Management (220 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  4. Income Management (201 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  5. Energy Conservation (189 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  6. Environment Management (162 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  7. Household Equipment (137 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  8. Consumer Education (218 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Module IV: Human Development

  1. Growth and Development (0-5) (174 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  2. Growth and Development (6-11) (191 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  3. Adolescence (130 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  4. Concerns and Issues in Human Development (217 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Module V: Textiles and Clothing

  1. Introduction to Fabric Sciences (126 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  2. Yarn and it's construction (113 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  3. Fabric Construction (123 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  4. Textile Finishes (156 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  5. Selection of Textiles and Clothing (136 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  6. Care and Maintenance (211 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Optional Module (Choose any one of the following two)

Module VI: Optional Module - I

A. Housekeeping

  1. Introduction to Housekeeping (68 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  2. Cleaning and Cleaning Materials (175 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  3. Maintenance of Premises (127 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  4. Aesthetics at Home (150 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Module VII: B. Creative Hand Embroidery

  1. Creative Hand Embroidery (71 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  2. The Design (283 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  3. Colour (148 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window
  4. Embroidery Stitches (79 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Practical Manual (127 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Question Paper Design and Sample Paper (127 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

Curriculum (127 KB) PDF File Opens in a new window

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