National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is proudly announces
the opening of a cell at Port Blair in order to facilitate the
people in general and learners in particular of this remote and
beautiful island. The establishment of the cell at Port Blair will
help in effective monitoring and providing support to the existing
study centre of NIOS.
More than 3000 learners have joined NIOS from about 10 study
centres spread all over the Island during 2010-11 in the first
block of admission. These learners will now have the opportunity to
interact with NIOS directly right in the island itself.
The NIOS cell is opened at the Siksha Sadan, Port Blair and has
been formally inaugurated by Dr. S S Jena, Chairman, NIOS on 14th
March 2011.
Brief Report of the inauguration of the NIOS Cell
at Port Blair