NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)

Procedure for Correction in the Admission Records through e-services only

  • The admission to a particular course is confirmed by NIOS by issuing an online Identity Card having details of Learner's Name, Date of Birth, Subjects opted etc. These details are the same as filled in by the learner at the time of admission in NIOS. The learner is requested to check the details immediately on:-
  1. (i) website in learners corner.
  2. (ii) receiving E-mail for confirmation of admission
  3. (iii) receiving the online I-card.
In case, there is any discrepancy in learner's personal details, address, photo etc., the same should be corrected through e-services.
  • Correction in the admission records will be considered prior to appearing in the first examination or within 3 years of learners from the date of registration for admission upon uploading of supporting documents. However, it is desired that correction, if any, may be requested in such a manner that the same may be done before the issue of Admit Card for appearing in examination so that Pass documents are issued with correct details.
  • No request for correction will be accepted after 3 years from the date of registration.
  • Applicable fee for above corrections, in addition to fee for revised document as per NIOS norms, will be charged online.
  • 'Latest correction rules' will be applicable at the time of making request for correction in the record.
  • Please note that the revised corrected documents will be issued only after you have submittted the Origional Documents (Marksheet, Mirgration Certificate or Provisional Certificate or Final Certificate) with incorrect details issued to you by NIOS and requisite fee.


S. No. Type of Correction Amount
1 Correction in Learner's name / Father's name / Mother's name / Guardian's name after admission Rs. 100
2 Correction in the Date of Birth of the learner Rs. 100
3 Change in Learner's name / Mother's name / Father's name/ Guardian's name Rs. 200
4 Change in the Date of Birth of the learner ( as per rule) Rs. 200
5 Correction of Photograph Rs. 100
6 Change in learner's address Rs. 100
7 Change of Study Centre Rs. 400
8 Transfer of Credit fee ( per subject) Rs. 150
9 Transfer of Credit fee (per subject ) in case the request for TOC is made after registration (as per rule) Rs. 500
10 Late Fee for submission of Assignments (TMA) (Per Subject ) Rs. 1,500
11 Issue of Duplicate Identity Card for the second time.  Rs. 500
*12 Change of Examination Centre for Public Examination as well as for On Demand Examination before commencement of Practical/Theory examination Rs. 1,500
NOTE : The learners are also required to pay revised/renewed duplicate document fee as per NIOS norms mentioned .
* In extreme circumstances and due to unavoidable reasons of the learner, if need be, the change of examination centre within the region as well as outside the region before the commencement of Public/Practical Examination of NIOS, has to be recommended to the Department of Evaluation, NIOS for approval of the Director (Evaluation), NIOS.