NewgoodMinistry of Education (MoE) invites applications for the post of Chairperson, NIOS.    NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)

Solar Energy Technician (Code 253)


Solar energy is a largest renewable resource freely available everywhere in adequate amounts, making it one of the most promising, clean, non-pollution source. Currently a number of solar energy devices like solar cooker, solar water heater, solar photovoltaic pumps and solar photovoltaic lighting systems are gaining popularity. There is a need for generating manpower for installing and managing such solar based systems. This module is designed to train technicians who can install, maintain and promote the uses of such solar appliances.


After going through this course the student will be able to:
Understand the Basic Principles of Solar Technology, Solar Cooker, Water Heater, Solar Photovoltaic Lighting System, Solar Water Pumping etc. install, maintain and promote the uses of solar applications.

Job Oppurtunities

Those completing this module can find employment in the nodal agencies of the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, voluntary agencies and other organizations promoting the technology at district and block levels.
Entrepreneurial opportunities would also be available in terms of opening shops for spare parts, servicing and sale of solar devices.

Course Duration

One Year

Scheme of Study

Theory - 40%, Practical - 60%

Entry Qualification

Class 8th Pass

Scheme Of Examination

Maximum Weightage in Theory - 30% Time - 2 hours.
Maximum Weightage in Practical - 70% Time - 3 hours.Passing Marks - 33% to in aggrigate in Public Examination of Secondary level or Grade 'E' as for independent vocational course or Grade 'G' when combined with academic stream.

Course Content

Unit 1: Basic Principles in Solar Technology

Solar Thermal Conversion : Principles of Solar Radiation, Solar Collector, Absorption of radiation and Conversion to Thermal Energy, Collection & Storage of Thermal Energy, Solar Photovoltaic Cells.

Unit 2: Solar Cookers

Flat plate Box Type Solar Cooker, Advantages of Solar Cooker, Limitations, Cooking time, Precautions while using a solar cooker, Concentrator type solar cooker, Basket type solar cooker etc.

Unit 3 : Domestic & Industrial Water Heaters

Domestic Solar Water Heater, Industrial Solar Water Heater, System Installation & Test.

Unit 4: Solar Dryer

Cabinet type Solar Dryer, Bomboo types Solar Dryer.

Unit 5: Solar Distillation

Simple Solar Distillation Plant and Conical.

Unit 6: Solar Photovoaltaic Lighting System

Principle of Photovoltaic lighting system, Solar Array, Battery Bank, Electronic Controller, Inventor, Solar photovoltaic street lighting system, Maintenance of Battery, Cleanliness, Adding water, Kind of water, Discharge limits, Hydometer readings - Specific gravity, Full charge specific gravity, Readings - Written records, Trouble shooting, Basics of Lead-Acid Batteries, Discharge limits of Lead-Acid batteries.

Unit 7: Solar Water Pumping

Solar photovoltaic pumping system, SPV modules, Water pump.

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