NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)

Electro-Plating (Code 355)


Electro-Plating may be defined as the Science and art of electro deposition of relatively thin film of an adherent metallic coating upon an electrode for the purposes of securing a surface with properties or dimensions different from those of the base metal.
Keeping in view of readership of the module, every effort has been made to present the subject matter in simple language and style. Various steps for plating processes have been outlines to lend clarity to the subject.


After going through this course the student will be able to:
Understand the principle of Electroplating
Understand the process of Electropating for various metals.

Job Oppurtunities

The pass-outs of this course have ample scope to secure wage employment in industry as there is sufficient demand for professionally qualified and skilled electro-plators in various industries in both rural and urban areas. One can also start his/her own electro-plating shop.

Entry Qualification

Class 8th Pass

Course Duration

One Year

Scheme of Evaluation

Theory - 40%, Practical - 60%

Scheme of Examination

Maximum Weightage in Theory - 30, Time - 2 hours
Maximum Weightage in Practical - 70, Time - 3 hours
Passing Marks - 33% seperately in Theory & Practical in the Public Examination for Sr. Secondary level or Grade 'E' as for independent vocational course or Grade 'G' when combined with academic stream.

Course Content

  1. Corrosion:

    Definition, its effects, Types of corrosive attacks, Electrochemical corrosion: its components, Various forms of corrosion, Uniform corrosion, Pitting Corrosion, Intergrannular corrosion, Stress corrosion, Erosion corrosion, Corrosion fatigue, Factors influencing rate of corrosion, Corrosion Control

  2. Electro-Chemistry:

    Electro-chemical Reaction, Electrolysis of Molten electrolytes, Electrolysis of aqueous Solutions, Faraday's Laws, Applications, Electrical Conductivity of electrolytic solutions, Molar Conductance of an electrolytic solution, Strong and Weak electrolytes

  3. Electro-Plating:

    Principle of electroplating, Rate of deposition, aims and importance

  4. Metal Surface preparation and cleaning - Chemical cleaning:

    Metal Surface preparation and Cleaning, Chemical Cleaning, Solvent cleaning, Cold solvent cleaning, Vapour degreecing- (a) Petroleum Solvents, (b) Chlorinated Solvents, (c) Emulsifiable Solvents, Alkaline cleaning (Detergent cleaning), (a) Immersion cleaning, (b) Spray cleaning, (c) Electrolytic cleaning, (d) Ultra sonic cleaning, Acid clearner, (a) Acid pickling, (b) Bright dipping

  5. Metal Surface preparation and cleaning - Salt bath cleaning:

    Salt bath cleaning, Sodium hydroxide bath, Sodium hydroxide bath with additives, Electrolytic bath

  6. Metal Surface preparation and cleaning - Mechanical cleaning:

    Rust Remover, Mechanical Cleaning, (a) Polishing, Polishing Wheels, Adhesives, Abrasives, Abrasive belts, Lubrication, (b) Brushing, (c) Buffing, Buffing wheels, (d) Polishing Components, 1. Bar Components, 2. Liquid-spray buffing composition, (e) Electro-Plating, Basic of Electro-Plating Bath, Preparation of bath.

  7. Electro-Plating Sequences:

    Electro-Plating Sequences, Preliminary Treatment, Plating of Low carbon steel, Nickel Plating, Copper Plating, Chromium Plating, Silver Plating, Gold Plating, Plating of copper and copper base alloys, Silver plating on copper and copper base alloys, Gold plating on copper and copper base alloys, Properties of electrolyte solutions', Composition of various salt solution, Zinc plating, Tin plating, Tin Immersion solution

  8. Electroplating on Plastices:

    Electroplating on plastics, Cleaning, Etching, Neutralizing, Catalyzing, Accelerating, Electro-less plating, Electro-plating

  9. Electro-plating Equipment:

    Electro-plating equipment, Process tanks, (i) Welded steel tank, Rods and connections for process tank, Container hook materials, i) Copper, ii) Brass, iii) Bronze, iv) Aluminimum, v) Monel metal, vi) Nichrome, Solution heating, Agitation of plating solution, Filtration of plating solutions, Drying equipment, Electrical equipment (redifier)

  10. Major defects in plating:

    Major defects in plating, Causes of defects, Embossing process

  11. Safety precautions in Electro-plating:

    Safety precautions in electro-plating, Applications of electro-plating