Course Code: 651
Name of the Course
The nomenclature of the course is "IT Essentials: PC Hardware
and Software. This course is offered in collaboration with CISCO.
The CISCO is a reputed international organization in the field of
Information Technology. This Networking Academy Program is a
Public-Private Partnership between Cisco Systems, and NIOS aimed at
nurturing IT professionals.
Eligibility Criteria
10th pass from any recognized Board of school education.
Course Duration
The duration of the course is six months. However a person can
complete this course within five years of registration as per NIOS
Objectives of the Course
- To enable the learners to work on networking environment.
- To develop skills and competencies in computer hardware
- To maintain a standard equivalence with industry and market
- To enable the learners to take up jobs/professions in Computer
Hardware Maintenance.
Course Content
This course provides an excellent introduction to the IT
industry and interactive exposure to personal computers, hardware,
and operating systems. Students will get opportunity to participate
in hands-on activities and lab-based learning to become familiar
with various hardware and software components and discover best
practices in maintenance and safety. In addition, this course
covers the following:
- Laptops and portable devices
- Wireless connectivity
- Security
- Safety and environmental issues
- Communication skills
The course will be conducted through Accredited Vocational
Institutes(AVIs), who will be responsible for the imparting of
training skills and competencies of a qualitative standard by
adopting suitable training methods, strategies and systems as per
NIOS-CISCO instruction. The AVIs will provide 30 hours of hands on
experience at the study center. Entire course along with practical
activities will be available on CISCO site.
Medium of instruction
The medium of instruction is both English and Hindi. The course
is offered through a multimedia approach comprising the
- On line course material
- Face to face counselling
- Practical facilities at the Study center
- Internal assignment
Course Evaluation
For evaluation of students 60% weightage is given to Practicals
and 40% weightage to theory in the public examination. In order to
pass, the learner has to secure 70% marks in aggregate.
Course Fee
A student will pay Rs. 4000/- to NIOS towards course fee, which
includes the cost of on line material and practical facilities. The
practical will be conducted through its AVIs/Study Centres as per
norms and conditions of CISCO and NIOS. The share of AVI will be
Rs. 3200/-and Rs. 800/- will be NIOS share.
Admission Procedure
Admission is done as per dates notified by the NIOS. Application
form and prospectus can be procured from either NIOS or its
selected Study Centres (AVIs) as given below:
- OM Computer Institute, Mumbai (AVI No. 610042 - Maharastra)
E-Mail omcomputers(at)omeducation[dot]com
- Society of Indian Technical Institute, Shillong (AVI, No.520007
- Meghalaya) E-Mail hemen_kalita(at)rediffmail[dot]com
- EXE Solutions Computer Institute, Delhi (AVI No.990158 - DELHI)
E-Mail exesolutions(at)rediffmail[dot]com
- National Institute of Vocational Training , Bazaza Bazar,
Ambala Cantt (AVI No. 550005 - Haryana) E-Mail
pgambhir2001(at)yahoo[dot]com, website

- Nice, Balangir (AVI No 650006 - Orissa) E-Mail:
- AISECT (All India Society for Electronics & Computer
Technology), (AVI No 600128) , Bhopal.
Course Delivery Mechanism
The module for theoretical component will be available on the
CISCO web site accessible to all learners with their unique user ID
and password. For students, not having access to Internet,
instructional material will be developed by NIOS in collaboration
with CISCO.
Publicity of the Course
AVIs are expected to publicise this course widely by putting up
banner/notice etc, so that adequate number of learners enroll to
this course.
After successful completion of the course a participation
certificate will be issued by CISCO to the learner. The final
certificate will be issued by NIOS.