NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)


Senior Secondary Course Equivalent to Class XII

Secondary Course

This Course is equivalent to the 10th standard. You can choose subjects from the Scheme of Studies given in Table-. However, you will be required to successfully complete a minimum of five subjects with at least one language or at most two languages, which is compulsory for certification.

Senior Secondary Course

This Course is designed for those who have passed the 10th standard or equivalent examination from a recognised Board and would like to continue their education towards a Senior Secondary Certification, equivalent to XII standard.

Your can choose subjects from the Scheme of Studies given in Table. However, you will be required to successfully complete a minimum of five subjects with atleast one language or at most two languages, which is compulsory for Certification.

Scheme of Studies

The Scheme of Studies for Secondary and Senior Secondary Courses is shown in Table-1. For obtaining a pass certificate, you are required to pass in a minimum of five subjects including one or maximum of two languages from Group 'A' and other three or four subjects from other Group. However, you are free to take upto two additional subjects. Thus, in all you can choose a maximum of seven subjects. 

Course Subject Offered Scheme of Studies

Hindi(201), English(202), Bengali(203), Marathi(204), Telugu(205), Urdu(206), Gujarati(207), Kannada(208), Sanskrit(209), Punjabi(210), Assamese (228),Nepali(231), Malayalam(232), Odia(233), Arabic (235),Persian (236), Tamil (237),Sindhi (238
*Mathematics(211),*Science and Technology(212), Social Science(213), Economics(214), Business Studies(215), *Home Science(216), *Data Entry Operation(E)(229), Psychology (222), Indian Culture & Heritage (223), *Painting (225),*Data Entry Operations (229), Accountacy (224),*Hindustani Music (242),*Carnatic Sangeet(243)

Indian Knowledge Tradition #

#Veda Adhyan (245), #Sanskrit Vyakaran (246), #Bharatiya Darshan (247), #Sanskrit Sahitya (248 

  • Five Subjects with atleast one language or atmost two languages.
  • Minimum of five subjects.
  • Two additional subject can also be taken.
  • The Learners are however advised to select the subjects as per their future plan of study and work.
  • Minimum one and Maximum two language subjects from group A are permissible for certification. However, third language can be offered as an additional subject.
Senior Secondary

Hindi(301), English(302), Bangla (303), Tamil (304), Odia (305), Urdu(306), Gujarati (307), Sanskrit (309), Punjabi (310)
Mathematics(311), *Home Science(321), Psychology(328), *Geography(316), Economics(318), Business Studies(319), *Painting (332), *Data entry Operation(336) 

Indian Knowledge Tradition#

Veda Adhyan#(345),Sanskrit Vyakaran#(346),Bharatiya Darshan#(347),Sanskrit Sahitya#(348)

*Physics(312), History(315), *Library and Information Sc.(339),  *Enviornmental Science(333),
* Chemistry(313), Political Science(317),*Mass Communication (335),Military Studies(374)
*Biology(314), Accountancy(320),*Introduction to Law (338),Military History(375),

*Computer Science(330), Sociology(331),  Tourism(337),*Physical Education and Yog(373)
Learner can opt only one subject from each of Group C,D,E and F

  • Subjects with * have theory as well as practical works.
  • # In the Certificate, mention of "Indian Knowledge Tradition" will be made on successful completion of above four subjects alongwith Sanskrit Language subject at
    Secondary/Senior Secondary level. These subjects are available in Sanskrit medium only.