NewgoodOrder issued by Government of Tamil Nadu regarding equivalency of the Academic Programme of NIOS Class X and XII Certificate for the purpose of Employment in Public Services / Promotion.    NewgoodList of Fake Websites resembling NIOS (एनआईओएस जैसी दिखने वाली नकली वेबसाइटों की सूची)    NewgoodFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Vocational Education Programmes:2023-24 (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न (एफएक्यू) व्यावसायिक शिक्षा कार्यक्रम - 2023-24)


Plenary Session: Financing the Basic Education for Reaching the Unreached

(Chairperson : Ms. Sonali Kumar, Initiator : Sh. S S Gill : Prof. N K Ambasht)

Prof. N K Ambasht, Chairman, National Open School welcomed Mrs. Sonali Kumar and introduced to the participants of the plenary session. He mentioned that Mrs. Kumar is an educationist cum bureauerat. She is Director, National Literacy Mission, MHRD. She worked in different positions in State and Central Govt and has wide experience of different fields.

Mrs. Kumar initiated the discussion. She mentioned that any programme such as poverty alleviation empowerment of women, etc. will not be successful without basic literacy. She appreciated the efforts of people of India to get the NOMA Award in the field of Education this year. She mentioned that India has achieved the literacy rate of 62%. She also mentioned that there is nothing like 100% literacy.

She explained the importance of basic education as quoted by Swami Vivekanand. She also explained that it is also the priority area of the Govt. and the Govt. cannot universilisation the basic education without the co-operation of the people. She gave the example from personal experience and suggested that we should not advocate the provision of 'Free Education' Every person should contribute in cash or kind for the education of their children.

Sh. S S Gill Secretary, National Open School explained three tier system for serving the learners. The NOS has two types of Centres : one for Academic and another for vocation (AIs and AVIs). He also mentioned the scheme of SAIED for disadvantaged group. Rs. 200/- per learner is being paid to study centres for conducting academic programmes and Rs. 350/- per learner is being paid under SAIED scheme.

Under Open Basic Education a certain amount of money will be made available to accredited agencies (district level state level National level) for the development of material as per the guidelines of NOS. The NOS will provide Joint Certification for upper primary level and exemplar material to the agencies.

Responding to the presentation of Sh. S S Gill, Sh R N Mehalawat made certain observations regarding bridging of the gap of NOS and National Literacy Mission. Mrs. Sonali Kumar made the intervention that Total Literacy Campaign (TLC) and post literacy campaign (PLC) may end with 9th Five Year Plan and emphasis will be on continuing education. One of the participants mentioned that education should be self-financed. He gave the example of generating money through Gandhian concept of financing basic education. It will give the self-respect to the learners and another participant also supported these views and suggested that the work culture should be inculcated among the learners so that they become self reliant. Another participant Mrs. Maria UNESCO representative also supported these views . Prof. N K Ambasht cautioned the participant with the view that the output of the child will not be as good as the output of the skilled worker and also anticipated the problem of marketing the product.

Prof. K G Rastogi suggested that every Public School, generating revenue in Urban areas, should adopt one village in order to literate the children. He further suggested that the Govt. may have measures like affiliation from CBSE/State Boards, grants etc. to do so.

Another participant suggested that different strategies should be followed in respect of North Eastern region due to high drop out rate and economically, educationally and socially backwardness.

Ms. Indiravardarajan suggested that University may be involved in continuing education. Sh. Batra, Vidya Bharati, mentioned that people are motivated emotionally towards literacy. Generation of funds for Open Basic Education will not be problem. Sister Cyril suggested that the services of secondary students after giving orientation can be utilised for teaching street children.

Sh. Satyanaryan SEO(OBE) mentioned that funds of NLM may be utilised for continuing education through Zila Saksharta Samiti (ZSS). He pointed out that there are two major items of expenditure for voluntary agencies :

  1. Development instruction material. The cost of the same can be borne by the National Open School.
  2. Payment to teachers for contact programmes. The cost can be met in partnership i.e. NOS and voluntary agencies.

Prof. N K Ambasht summerised the session saying that

  • NOS will provide the exemplary material to the agencies. This material will be adopted as per local requirements.
  • Funds may be provided after receiving the demand from the agencies for conducting workshops for adaptation of material for OBE.
  • Free certification will be provided to the learners of the agencies alongwith the blueprint.

Mrs. Sonali Kumar concluded the session and suggested the importance of decentralisation of OBE programmes. Ms. Mridula Virmani, Deputy Education Officer NOS thanked Ms. Sonali Kumar for lively interactions and providing guiding ways and means of funding the OBE programmes. She also thanked Prof. N K Ambasht, Chairman, NOS and Sh. S S Gill, Secretary, NOS.


  1. All the programmes concerned with basic education including formal, non formal, adult education etc. may be converged under one umbrella.
  2. The financial allotment made for education may not be diverted to any other programme at centre, state district and block level.
  3. Industries and business houses located in the concerned area may be tapped to financially assist the basic education programme.
  4. The public schools and the schools receiving grants from the government may be made responsible to educate the unreached children in the area under their jurisdiction. In order to get cooperation the government may put some pressure on these institutions.
  5. Parents may be encouraged to contribute towards the education of their children in cash or kind.
  6. Central and state government may consider the viability of imposing education tax.
  7. Funding for the OBE will have to be found in other sectors such as NFE etc. The contribution of NOS will be in its certification and its funding of workshops for development of network. Networking among agencies in the same region will be very important and cost effective in this connection.
  8. A limited number perhaps - 3 scholarships could be funded to each agency as a source of motivation to the most deserving students to encourage them to carry on to the next course deserving students.
  9. Annual meeting of the nodel agency be convened by the NOS to review the progress.
  10. National Open School should finance for organising the workshop for development of material as per NOS norms.
  11. National Open School should provide free certification to be issued jointly in the name of NOS and concerned organisations for the beneficiaries of Open Basic Education.
  12. National Open School provided funds for orientation programmes for the teacher employed in Open Basic Education.
  13. National Open School should undertake various programmes to popularise Open Basic Education on regular basis through radio, TV and other media modes.

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