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Brief Profile

Dr. B K Rai


Designation : Assistant Director (Academic)

Department : Vocational Educational Department

Office Phone : 0120-4089836
E-mail : neelima[at]nios[dot]ac[dot]in
Personal Webpage :


  • Ph.D. (Vegetable Science) with Major in Vegetable Science & Minor in Genetics & Plant Breeding from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand)

Areas of Interest/Specialization

  • Agriculture and animal husbandry
  • Horticulture
  • Vegetable Science
  • Skill development in Vocational Subjects


  • Working as Assistant Director (Academic) at National Institute of Open Schooling, A-24/25, Sector 62, Noida since 17.12.18
  • Worked as Academic Officer (Agriculture) at National Institute of Open Schooling, A-24/25, Sector 62, Noida w.e.f. 05.07.2012 to 16.12.18.
  • Worked as Post Doctoral Fellow (Horticulture) at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal w.e.f.  09.08.2010 to 08.02.2012.
  • Worked as Senior Research Fellow in the project entitled "Production of Quality Seeds and Planting materials of Vegetables and Spices" w.e.f. 27.11.06 to 31.10.07.

Contribution to NIOS in last one year

  • Developed Self Learning Material for following 3 courses under Vocational Stream - Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Hindi and English Medium
    • Beekeeping
    • Poultry Farming
    • Paddy Farming
  • Developed SWAYAM-MOOCs course on "Beekeeping" in Hindi medium as per four quadrants and is Course Coordinator for the same.  
  • Delivered Live TV Programme at VAGDA Channel in the area of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry sector.
  • Delivered Live PCP through Mukta Vidya Vani @ 4-6 PCP/ month.
  • Prepared Training schedule for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry courses of NIOS.
  • Prepared Brochure for promotion of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry courses of NIOS.

Awards and Honors

  • Recipient of Young scientist award 2007 at Uttarakhand 2nd State Science Congress held at Nainital, 14-17th November, 2007.
  • Cleared National Eligibility Test (ICAR), 2006 in Horticulture (Vegetable).
  • Recipient of university fellowship during Ph.D. tenure.
  • Recipient of Graduate Assistantship during M. Sc. tenure.

Publication, if any

1)      K. B. Bhushan andNeelima Pant. 2017. "Technology communication perspective for Household level food and nutrition security through vegetable based home garden in tribal areas - Issues and way forward".National Seminar on "INNOVATIONS IN HORTICULTURE: PRODUCTION TO CONSUMPTION"14-15 Sept, 2017.

 2)      Bhushan K. B., Goswami, A.K.,Pant, Neelimaand Singh, Y.V.2016. "Variability in eggplant (Solanummelongena L.)) cultivars as revealed by SDS-PAGE of seed protein".Hortflora Research Spectrum.Vol 5, Issue 2, June 2016. March 2013. ISSN: 2250-2823.pp 107-111.
3)      Bhushan K. B., Pant,Neelima,Singh, Y.V. and Bora Lila 2016. "Expression of heterosis and combining ability analysis in intervarietal crosses of eggplant (Solanummelongena L.)".Hortflora Research Spectrum.Vol 5, Issue 2, June 2016. March 2013. ISSN: 2250-2823. Pp 143-140.
4)      Kumar B. B., Singh, Y.V., Upadhyay, R.K.andJoshi, N.2013."Heterosis breeding & Protein Profiling through SDS PAGE in brinjal (Solanum melongenaL.)".Research on Crops.An International Journal. Vol 14 (1). March 2013. ISSN: 0972-3226
5)     Joshi, N.,Singh, Y.V. and Maurya, S.K. 2010. "Studies on variability, heritability and genetic advance in brinjal".Annals of Horticulture.Vol 3 (2) Dec 2010 pp:191-194 (2010). ISSN-0974-8774.
6)     Joshi, N.,Singh, Y.V. and Kumar B.B. 2008.Heterosis for different quantitative traits in brinjal (Solanum melongenaL.).Pantnagar Journal of Research. Vol. 6(2): Dec 2008.pp 266-269.ISSN-0972-8813.
7)     Joshi, N.,Singh, Y.V. and Maurya, S.K. 2008. Combining ability analysis for various quantitative traits in egg plant (Solanum melongenaL.).Annals of Horticulture1(1): pp. 32-36.(2008). ISSN-0974-8774.
8)      Singh, Y.V., Kumar, S., Joshi, N. and Kumar B.B. 2007. Current status of brinjal    Improvement using indigenous germplasm at Pantnagar. Acta Horticulture.752, pp  603-607. ISSN 0567-7572.
9)     Joshi, N.and Raghav, M. 2007. Growth and yield of potato as affected by zinc sulphate and their method of application.Progressive Horticulture. Vol 39 (2): pp 189-193. ISSN: 0970-3020.


  1.  Pant, Neelima. 2018, राष्ट्रीय मुक्त विध्यालयी शिक्षा संस्थान द्वारा कृषि क्षेत्र मे कौशल विकास कार्यक्रम. कृषि उत्कर्ष -सुखी एवं समृद्ध किसान,4th Edition, April 2018,pp 36-37
  2. Singh, Hansraj,Pant, Neelima, Kumar Arvind, Kumar Vipin and Tiwari, P.S. 2016. Basant vale ganne ki vigyanic kheti. Farm and Food. March 2016, pp 8-9
  3. Pant,Neelima. 2013.मुर्गी पालन: एक सफल व्यवसाय. लोक विज्ञान एवं पर्यावरण पत्रिका: विज्ञान आपके लिए; 2013, न. 3, pp 29-33
  4. Pant,Neelima. 2013.गृह वाटिका से खाध्य सुरक्षा, सरिता अगस्त (प्रथम), 2013, pp-100-103
  5. Pant, Neelima.2013. "Glorious 25 years of NIOS, Open Learning: An awareness magazine for the NIOS learners. July- Dec 2013, pp 57-64
  6. Pant, Neelima. 2012. "पोधे करे तैयार". Farm & Food. Jan ,2012, pp 32-33.
  7. Pant, Neelima. 2011. "फलों और सब्जियों की तुड़ाई, भंडारण तथा परीक्षण की वैज्ञानिक तकनीक".Farm & Food.August,2011, pp 10-11.
  8. Singh, Y.V., Bisht Bhawana,Joshi, Neelimaand Bhushan, K.B. 2008.Grow cherry tomato for salad, processing and potential export purpose. Indian Farmers Digest. October, 2008, pp 37-39.
  9. Singh, Y.V. andJoshi, Neelima. 2006.Precision farming.Pratiyogita Darpan.
  10. 3.October, 2006, pp.613 & 618.4.
  11. Singh, Y.V., Raghav, M. andJoshi, Neelima.2006. **उत्तरांचल में स्नो पी वैज्ञानिक खेती**.fdlku Hkkjrh. August, 2006, pp 16-18.
  12. Joshi, Neelimaand Singh, Y.V. 2005.Grow rabi vegetables in a better way.Indian Farmers Digest, October,2005, pp 18-23.
  13. Singh, Y.V. andJoshi, Neelima.2004. **मटर की उन्नतशील खेती आधुनिक किसान, August - September, 2004, pp 3 - 7.
  14. Singh, Y.V. andJoshi, Neelima.2004. **फूलगोभी की उन्नतशील खेती आधुनिक किसान, August - September, 2004, pp 8 - 13.
  15. Kumar, Tarun, Chauhan, Reshu,Joshi, Neelimaand Raghav Manoj 2004. खरपतवार सब्जियों का विनाशक किसान भारती, January,2004, pp 33 - 35.
  16. Joshi, Neelima, Chauhan, R. Kumar, T. and Raghav, M. 2003. **आलू की उन्नतशील किस्में**,किसान भारती,November, 2003. pp. 20-22.
  17. Chauhan, R.Joshi, Neelima, Kumar, T. and Raghav, M. 2003.आलू की उन्नतशील खेती किसान भारती,November, 2003, pp. 23-25.   

Assignments in Hand

Expected date of Completion

A.     New Course Development

         Six months Certificate Course in Bamboo Cultivation 

         Six months Certificate Course in Floriculture

B.   Revision of Courses

         Six months Certificate Course in Vermicomposting (NSQF level 4)

         Six month Certificate Course Mushroom Production (NSQF Level 4)

         Two year Diploma Course in Basic Rural Technology

C.        Translation (English to Hindi)

           Six months Certificate Course in Dairy Operator

D.       MOOCs

         Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (VOS)

         Mushroom Production

E.        Miscellaneous

                Training Schedules for Agriculture courses

                                        Live Video programmes

                                        Radio programme

                                        Course Promotional activities


May 2019


September 2019


June 2019


May 2019


December 2019


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May 2019

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 January 2019

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As per schedule

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